
Abbah Unveiling represents a mystical disclosure. It touches a summit of realisation. It can be seen as a natural sequel to the previous book written by Yoginâm, The Book of Nâm.
Author Yoginâm
Type Hard cover
Pages 120
Dimensions 15,4 x 10,8 x 2 cm
First published 2024
ISBN 978-90-76288-19-2

The Book of Nâm is a book of deep wisdom. Behind its language a highly mystical, though very natural, value is hidden. Absorbing the Book of Nâm engenders a transformation towards a better life. A life in which both happiness and adversity acquire different meanings and with the ordinary situations and circumstances of daily life a state of unconditional Well-Being can be created.
Author Yoginâm
Type Hard cover
Pages 320
Dimensions 15,4 x 10,8 x 3,75 cm
First published 2020
ISBN 978-90-76288-20-8

‘Oh Abbah’ is a book of inspiration, which was written in a very specific state of mind. For this reason it has the ability to open you for levels of your mystical being that cannot be reached through ordinary effort. These levels can only be gradually opened by way of attuning.
Author Frédéric Antonious
Type Hardcover
Pages 274
Seventh edition 2013
First published 1997
ISBN 978-90-76288-43-7