Human life has marveled us ever since we were able to consciously think about ourselves, wondering about our place in the world. Not history philosophies religions nor science have been able to answer the question of the Mystery of Life. Soul-I-Web, in short Siweb, provides the vocabulary and insight to manage one’s individual I-World towards awareness and well-being so that life may reveal itself once again as a wondrous gift.
Abbah Unveiling represents a mystical disclosure. It touches a summit of realisation. It can be seen as a natural sequel to the previous book written by Yoginâm, The Book of Nâm.
Author Yoginâm
Type Hard cover
Pages 120
Dimensions 15,4 x 10,8 x 2 cm
First published 2024
ISBN 978-90-76288-19-2
Siweb is rooted in the holistic approach, reflecting the essence of all religions: an orientation in life that has disappeared from the Western way of looking at ourselves and the world.
Author Yoginâm
Type Soft cover
Pages 214
Dimensions 21,0 x 15,0 x 2,0 cm
First published 2023
ISBN 978-90-76288-25-3
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In Art and Ethics Frédéric Antonious invites the reader to explore his or her being in the deepest sense. Starting from ‘All is One’ the reader is led towards an Ethics of Resonance that when applied to our daily lives results in tranquility, trust and happiness and greatly contributes to the emergence of a Well-Being that is independent of actual circumstances. This is the hidden promise that requires unveiling.
Author Frédéric Antonious
Type Paperback
Pages 190
Dimensions 20,5 x 13 x 1,1 cm
First edition 2013
ISBN 978-90-76288-30-7